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Set up your Justgiving Fundraising Page

  1. Visit this link here:
  2. Click the orange “Start Fundraising” Button, on the right side of the page
  1. You will be taken to this page, where you will be asked to login or create a justgiving account. Looks like this:
  1. You will asked if you wish to fundraise in memory of someone (if you choose yes, it will ask for their name). Looks like this:
  1. You will asked if you are taking part in an activity. Select “I’m taking part in an event”:
  1. Select the NKH 100 Mile Challenge Event:
  1. You’ll be asked how much you’d like to fundraise. For the 100 Mile Challenge the minimum ask is £150, for the 237 Mile Challenge (Sea to Source!) the minimum ask is £300. Feel free to set your goal higher 🙂
  1. You’ll be asked to personalise your page. This is your why – why are you doing the 100 Mile Challenge, why are you raising funds for NKH?
  1. This is your opportunity to upload a new cover image – or use the one we’ve supplied. Up to you!
  1. Launch your fundraiser! You’ll be added to the team, and will be able to see how much everyone has raised 🙂

Join My Virtual Mission

My Virtual Mission is where we are collectively logging our distances. You can join by:

  1. Select your challenge:
  2. Click the BLUE join button
  1. You’ll be asked for a mission code. The mission code is in your sign up email, or the reminder email we sent just before the challenge launched.
    1. You’ll be asked to login. If you are not already a member, you should create a new account.
      1. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be shown a “Welcome to the mission” success message. Hurrah! You’ll be able to see the rest of the team who have signed up, and once the mission launches on April 1st, you’ll be able to log your distances.
      1. If you plan to use your phone to log your distances, download the My Virtual Mission App.

From there you’ll be able to log your distances.