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Fun Run for NKH Research

12.5km, Fulham London

We Did It!!

Well done to all the runners, volunteers and organisers. What a whirlwind of a run. It was a beautiful day, with a beautiful run. We’re so proud of everyone for crossing the finishing line, and so pleased to have smashed our fundraising goal!

We’ve raised:




Of a £10,000 goal

Thank you to everyone who participated. As Elly said on the day, this run is personal for us. Every pound we’ve raised has a real and tangible affect on the NKH research that can be done.

These funds go to Prof. Nick Greene at UCL, who heads up a team looking for an effective treatment for NKH.

Thank you to everyone who donated/fundraised/ran. You’ve given us real hope that one day we might have a future with our boy.

The Cause

We’re raising money for NKH Research

About NKH

NKH (Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia) is a rare and terminal metabolic disorder in children. It’s rare, there are less than 40 kids living with NKH in the UK. At this point, there is no effective treatment. We’re raising funds to change that.

We’ve partnered with Joseph’s Goal (UK’s only NKH charity) to raise funds for the NKH Research done by Dr Nick Greene as part of UCL. He’s currently the world leader in NKH research, and we’re determined to give the research team the best shot at finding a cure for NKH.

For more on NKH, please visit

About #TeamMikaere

Mikaere (or Kai, if it’s easier to pronounce) is a toddler with NKH. Because NKH is terminal and treatment options are limited every day is precious. His family are doing everything they can to give Mikaere the best quality of life they can.

His parents are friends with Sam (the Manager of Enterprise Business Reps at Sales Force), who introduced us to Yasmin within Ability Force. We were sure that collectively we could raise funds for NKH Research, and the fun run was born!

You can follow their story at, on ig or at

The Course

12km/8miles in a Thames Path Loop

Start/Finish at Bishops Park, Fulham SW6 6EA
Saturday 28th of September 2019